Sunday Services
We are a people church, seeking to meet the needs of all those who come and worship at one of our services. Whilst each has its own style, our focus is on providing a warm welcome, impactful, Bible-based teaching and uplifting praise, worship and prayer.
Our 9.00 am service is IN PERSON. Our 10.45 service is IN PERSON and also online. Term Card Spring 2025.png
9am Holy Communion
Our 9.00am service lasts about 50 minutes and provides an opportunity for those who appreciate a slightly more formal and quieter approach to worship with us. The sermon is the same as at the 10.45 service. Note that there are no children's activities at this service.
10.45am Morning Service
Our main Sunday service is a contemporary family service with people of all ages and backgrounds joining together to worship Jesus and gather round his Word. The service consists of lively praise and worship, fun stories for children, prayer and our weekly look at what the Bible has to say for our lives today.
There is a supervised creche and a Sunday Club for those aged 3-11. Our 11-14s alternate between staying in the service and going out for their own bible study on the sermon passage.
A couple of times each term we have an All Age service when the children remain in the main church and the programme is tailored to be accessible to all!
After the service, refreshments are served in church allowing time to share and catch-up with friends and newcomers alike.
6.45pm "Fanning the Flame" Praise and Prayer
Join us to pray for God to be at work among us and throughout the world.